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-----Original Message-----
From: imkpmmgmymgv
Sent: 04/09/2009 8:14:22 pm
Subject: [project-management-consulting] Home Based Businesses - The Dawning of a New Era
A home based business operation is the most sought after career and income alternative in the world. With world economies crumbling, the out of control rising cost of health care and our retirement savings in jeopardy, millions of people around the world are turning to alternative sources of income in hopes of securing a future for themselves and their families.
This has opened up the doorway for thousands of Home Based Business opportunities. Home Based Businesses can and are providing that security for many. However, these businesses are not always a walk in the park and are not for everyone.
If you are interested in starting a business there are FOUR things to consider:
' Choosing the right company with the right product or service that best fits you and your personality. You must be passionate and start with a solid foundation.
' You must have some resources in order to promote and grow your business or you will wither on the vine quickly.
' You must possess or learn leadership in order to develop the skills to retain a customer base and a strong and productive team in the future. Remember you are the company owner, Not a Rep. for your organization.
' Finally, you need time and time management. Too many people think that after they join a company, money will start flying out of their computer at them, and they will not have to work at their business.
Home based businesses offer a chance for average people with little experience to become legitimate business owners, so be careful because this terrific opportunity if not taken seriously can lead to disappointment, failure and even financial stress causing you to quit and venture elsewhere.
My best advice to anyone that is starting a home based business is to invest in education and training to learn the proper skills to successfully operate, promote and grow your business so that it will become a profitable and enjoyable experience that will last a lifetime.
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