Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bottlenecks for knowledge sharing within agile teams (India centric)

Performers Vs Non performers 

Whenever I conduct the SCRUM workshops within India, one regular 
question I have to address consistently is about 'What to do with non- 
performers within the team?'. For me, the whole corporate system or as 
a country itself, everything is tuned to protect the weak. Thanks to 
the democrats and the communists. The entire system is built around 
protecting the weak. Hence I am able to empathize with the project 
managers when he is more worried about the non performers in the team 
rather than the performers. We must understand the fact that SCRUM 
teams must comprise of performers (mentally and physically fit). 
Marcus Buckingham in his book 'First break all rules' says very 
clearly that the best of the managers worldwide are biased towards 
performers and in fact they spend more time with the performers rather 
than non-performers. It does not mean that non-performers must be 
ignored. They must get the support and the consideration they deserve, 
and it must not be at the expense of performers. Let us all admit the 
fact that corporate life is all about capitalism and capitalists not 

Individualists Vs Team players 

Since most of the management wisdom within India is borrowed from the 
west, 'Team work is always promoted'. An Indian Psyche is always 
'Individualistic' while whatever is promoted within the corporates is 
'Team work'. So every Indian acts like a team player to gain 
acceptance, while actually he is not. In India, even to get a seat in 
a bus, we have to struggle, rather we have to compete. Naturally we 
are tuned to compete with others, where as the organizational cultures 
within India are blind copies from the west, which promotes team work. 
What must be really promoted within teams in India is 'Team work of 
the Individually competent'. First of all everyone has to prove their 
mettle individually, and after that we can talk about team work. 

Parenting attitude of the managers 

Most of the Indians like to go to beaches, and at the same time 
majority of the Indians do not swim in the sea. Thanks to the highly 
protective parenting prevailing within India. The highly protective 
parent do not allow the kid to experiment, rather they are driven 
through the least risky- proven paths. This leads to lack of 
innovation, poor risk taking and underdevelopment of potential and 
skills. Once these kids graduate as managers, they also start 
exhibiting the 'parental traits' while managing the teams, leading to 
under development of skill sets. Actually they are damaging the teams 
and at the same time they believe that they are building the teams. 
This is very dangerous. 

These are some of the burning points coming to my mind while thinking 
of the cultural issues in agile teams within India. India is the 
country where the maximum lines of software code is written, and at 
the same time not many killer products have come from India ... may be 
these could be some of the real root causes.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Congatulations Amitava PMP !

amitavintel: hi
amitavintel is online.
Abrachan: hello
amitavintel: I appeared for PMP exam today and pass:)
Abrachan: Hi amitava...congratulations

Dear Amitava, 

As your project management coach, I am on cloud 9 !

Go and impact the world now.


Congratulations Satish Kumar PMP ! Go and Impact the World!

Hi Abrachan,
I am happy to inform  you that I passed PMP exam on 9th September 2008.
I took the classes from you in The Capitol, Bangalore in Nov. 2007.
After a string of postponements due to project pressure, travel and PMP audit process,
I finally got it over.

Your material and PMP exam tips was very useful.

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your genuine role in my PMP success.
I am spreading the message to my friends and colleagues.

Thanks and Regards,
Satishkumar Tegginamath, PMP
LFP-HSSL, Bangalore

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Key Business Outcomes of Professional project management

  1. Repeat business and client satisfaction
  2. Multiproject control and integration with organizational strategy
  3. Greater innovation
  4. Better resource management 
  5. Shareholder value
  6. Higher revenues and higher profits 
  7. Credibility to gain new clients 
  8. Customers experience professionalism
  9. Public / government credibility (accountability) 
  10. Realization of the business case 
  11. Reduced contract disputes 
  12. More timely decision making
  13. Enhanced managerial competency 
  14. Holistic thinking 
  15. Efficient resource allocation 
  16. Creation of new revenue stream
  17. Improved ROI 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Open source project management software applications (wikipedia)

The following is a list of notable project management software applications.

 PM Project management software
 C Collaborative software
 IT Issue tracking system
 PPM Project portfolio management
 RM Resource management
 DM Document management
Open-Source desktop applicationsPMCITPPMRMDM
GanttProject PM  RM 
KPlato PM 
OpenProj PM  RM 
Open Workbench PM  C [1] RM 
TaskJuggler PM  RM 
Open-Source web-based applicationsPMCITPPMRMDM
Bugzilla IT 
eGroupWare PM  C  IT  PPM  RM  DM 
dotProject PM  IT  DM 
Mantis Bug Tracker IT PM  C  IT  PPM  RM  DM 
ProjectPier PM  C 
Trac PM  C  IT 
SharpForge PM  C  IT 
Proprietary desktop applicationsPMCITPPMRMDM
Artemis PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
Collanos Workplace C 
Contactizer PM  C  RM 
FastTrack Schedule PM  RM 
LisaProject PM  RM 
LiveProject PM  C  DM 
MacProject PM  RM 
MicroPlanner X-Pert PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
Microsoft Project PM  RM 
OmniPlan PM  RM 
OpenMind Business PM  PPM  RM 
Planner Suite PM  PPM  RM  DM 
Planisware 5 PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
Primavera Project Planner PM  C  IT  PPM  RM  DM 
Project KickStart PM  RM 
RationalPlan PM  PPM  RM  DM 
RiskyProject PM  RM 
Teamcenter PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
Tracker Suite PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
Proprietary web-based applicationsPMCITPPMRMDM
@task PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
24SevenOffice PM  C 
AlterFiction-ISES PM  C 
Basecamp C 
Cardinis PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
Central Desktop PM  C 
Clarity PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
Daptiv PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
EnterPlicity PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
eVisioner MetaTeam C  RM 
Gatherspace PM  C 
Genius Inside PM  C  PPM  RM  DM 
Instant Business Network PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
LiquidPlanner PM  C  PPM  RM 
Microsoft Office Project Server PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
Mingle PM  C  IT 
OpenAir PM  C  IT  PPM  RM  DM 
Oracle Projects PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
Planisware OPX2/Planisware 5 PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
Project Insight PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
ProjectPartner PM  C  PPM  RM 
Projectplace PM  C  IT  PPM  DM 
Santexq PM  C 
Teamwork PM  C  IT  PPM  RM  DM 
Track+ PM  IT  RM 
ValleySpeak Project Server PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
Wrike PM  C  IT 
Zoho Projects PM  C  RM  DM 
Clarizen PM  C  IT  PPM  RM 
Yutiti PM  C  RM 
